Penna turanica 500gr. Cooking time 7-9 min. 500gr
Mancini pasta is produced from durum wheat cultivated directly by the company. Semolina and water are the only ingredients. We use circular bronze die plates and we dry pasta at temperatures lower than 44°C, taking about 20 hours for short pasta and about 40 hours for long pasta.
Valori nutrizionali medi per - Average nutrition values for - Valori nutrizionali medi per - Average nutrition values for - (100 g) |
Energia - Energy - Energie - Energie - Valor Enèrgetico |
1540 |
kJ |
363 |
Kcal |
Grassi - Fat - Fett - Matières grasses - Grasas |
1,7 |
g |
Di cui: acidi grassi saturi / Of witch: saturates / Davon: gesättigte Fettsäuren / Dont: les acides gras saturés / De la cuales: àcidos grasos saturades |
0,3 |
g |
Carboidrati - Carbohydrate - Kohlenydrate - Glucides Carbohidrates |
73,0 |
g |
Di cui: zuccheri / Of witch: sugares / Davon: Zucker / Dont: sucres / De los cuales: azúcares |
2,6 |
g |
Fibra - Fibree - Ballaststoffe - Fibres alimentaires - Fibra alimentaria |
6,2 |
g |
Proteine - Proteins - Eiweis - Protéines - Proteinas |
11 |
g |
Sale - Salt - Salz - Sel - Sal |
<0,1 |
g |